Home > Local History > Church Records > Brushy Fork Baptist Church
Brushy Fork Baptist Church
Shelby Township, Jefferson County and Pleasant Township, Switzerland County
The church was founded in 1818 with the founding Pastor, Stephen Moore. The first church was located in 1825 on Stephen Ellis’s land on the border of Jefferson and Switzerland Counties. In 1845 they had a building at the site of the current graveyard in Jefferson County. They sold it in 1865 and moved to an 1866 brick building in Switzerland County, I mile west of Pleasant on the Switzerland-Jefferson County line, south of SR 250. (Information from Churches and Church Records in Jefferson County, Indiana, compiled by Jackie Richards in 2006, Jefferson County Public Library)
The following information can be found on microfilm 126 (and 128) located in the Jefferson County Public Library. The information covers the years from 1818 through 1949.
The microfilms were transcribed onto note cards in the past and then later typed in this digital format, from the note cards. Transcription from the original microfilm may have had errors.
Mem = Member
J. = Joined
Conf. = Confirmed
Exp. = Expelled?
b. = Born
Rest. = Restored
Bapt. = Baptised
Ment. = Mentioned
Letter = Received Letter
Dism. = Dismissal letter
Recd = Received Experience
d. = Died
Rel. = Received Relation
Rest. = Restored
Name | Status | Microfilm Page(s) (when avail.) |
Abott, Margaret | Bapt. Sept. 1866 | |
Adams, Albert C. | Letter, Sept. 1853, Dism. Dec. 1855 | 234 & 214 |
Adams, Rebecca | Letter, Sept. 1853, Dism. Dec. 1855 | 234 & 214 |
Adams, Rebecah | Recd July 1842, | 131 |
Aldrich, Diken | d. 1890 | |
Aldrich, Irene | Letter, July 1867 | |
Aldrich, Minnie | Recd June 1881, (for dancing) | |
Allen, Lulu | Bapt. Aug. 1936 | 378 |
Allen, Maxine (Harmon) | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941 | 378 |
Anderson, Rober | Bapt. Oct. 1948 | 378 |
Anderson, Stanley | Letter, Sept. 25, 1947 | 378 |
Anderson, Mrs. Stanley | Letter, Sept. 25, 1947 | 378 |
Anderson, Warren | Bapt. Oct. 1948 | 378 |
Armand, Mary B. | Bapt. (age 18) Nov. 1884 | 6 |
Babbitt, Mary (Rogers) | Bapt. (age 17) Feb 23, 1873 | 6 |
Baker, Ann | Recd, Oct. 1837 | 108 |
Baker, Lucy | Rel. Feb. 18, 1867, Dism Mar. 1874 | |
Baker, Permelia | Bapt. Nov. 1878, d. 1901 | 6 |
Baker, William | d. 1854 | 295 |
Banta, Cynthia | Restored Mar. 1836 | |
Banta, Edward | Recd, feb. 11, 1867 | |
Banta, Elizabeth | Recd (Bapt) Feb. 11, 1867 | |
Banta, Henry | Letter, Mar. 1818 | |
Banta, Nancy | Letter, Mar. 1818 | |
Banta, Wm H. | Bapt. Jan. 1858 | 252 |
Barker, Rev. Ercil | Letter, June 1949, Dism Oct. 1951 | 374&375 |
Barker, Mrs. Ercil | Letter, June 1949, Dism Oc. 1951 | 374&375 |
Barker, Miss Eliza | Recd, Nov. 1879, Dism. Feb. 1895 | |
Barkis, Mrs. Susan | Recd. Nov. 1879, Dism. Feb. 1895 | |
Barnes, Elvin | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 384 |
Barnes, Kenneth | Bapt. Aug. 19, 1938, Dism. Sept. 7, 1947 | 384&385 |
Basset, Eliza | Recd. Nov. 1877 | |
Basset, John | Rel. Mar. 1842, Dism. Apr. 1843 | 137&130 |
Beach, Howard | Recd, Mar 1872, Dism Sept. 1876 | |
Beckley, Jane | Recd. Oct. 1837 | 108 |
Beckley, Samuel | Recd. Oct. 1837 | 108 |
Becklyby, Wesly | Recd., Aug. 1836, Dism. Sept. 1840 | 104 |
Belden, Dora | Bapt. Nov. 1881, Dism Nov. 1883 | |
Bell, Bessie | Bapt. (age 9) Oct. 1896, Dism Apr. 1911 | 6 |
Bell, Della | Bapt. Jan. 1884, Dism Feb. 1911 | 6 |
Bell, Elizabeth | Bapt. 1859, d. Dec. 19, 1907 | 6 |
Bell, Elizabeth | Bapt. Nov. 1859 | 269 |
Bell, Elizabeth | Dism, Apr. 1900 | 6 |
Bell, James | Bapt. Nov. 1878, recd Sept. 1881 | |
Bell, Lizzie | Sept. 1890 | |
Bell, Matilda (Voris) | Dism. Apr. 1900 | 6 |
Bell, Viola | Bapt. July 1894 (age 15), Dism. Oct. 10, 1903 | 6 |
Benefield, Elizabeth | Mem. July 1818 | |
Bennett, Elizabeth | Mem. 1819 | |
Bennett, Joseph | Mem. 1819 | |
Bledsoe, Eliza | Letter, Apr. 1838 | 110 |
Bliss, Donald Lee | Bapt. Sept. 13, 1942 | 374 |
Bliss, James Wm. Jr. | Bapt. July 22, 1951 | 374 |
Bliss, Levi | Bapt. 1931 | 378 |
Bliss, Mrs. Levi | Letter, 1931, d. Jan. 1, 1938 | 378&379 |
Bliss, William James | Bapt. Aug. 19, 1928 | 384 |
Blunk, Andrew F. | Recd, Sept. 1843 | 141 |
Blunk, David H. & Miranda | Recd Sept. 1843, Dism. June 1850 | 141&184 |
Blunk, Nancy | Recd, Sept. 1843 | 141 |
Booth, Rev. W. T. | Recd, May 13, 1945, Dism. Apr. 12, 1946 | 374&375 |
Brandon, Aldean | Bapt. 1927 | 384 |
Brandon, Florence | Bapt. Aug. 25, 1929 | 378 |
Brandon, Frank | Letter, Aug. 19, 1927, d. June 17, 1929 | 384 |
Brandon, Mrs. Frank | Letter, Aug. 19, 1927 | 384 |
Brandon, Lee | Bapt. Nov. 1932 | 378 |
Brandon, Morris | Bapt. Aug. 19, 1927 | 384 |
Brawner, Elizabeth | Dism. Oct. 1842 | 133 |
Briggs, Ethel (Mathis) | Bapt. (age 20) Nov. 1884 | 6 |
Briggs, Mary A. | Recd., Nov. 1884 | |
Briggs, Nora S. | Bapt. Oct. 19, 1893 (age 22) Dism Oct.10, 1903 | 6 |
Briggs, William | Bapt. Oct. 1915 | 190 |
Brinson, James | Rel. Dec. 1842, Dism Jan. 1845 | 135&157 |
Brinsin, James | Letter, Oct. 1847, Dism. May 1850 | 179&184 |
Brinsin, Milly | Recd, Apr. 1844, Letter Oct. 1847, Dism May 1850 | 147&179 |
Brinson, Susan Rodgers | Bapt. Mar. 1872 (age 21), Dism. 1921 | 6 |
Bristo, Franklin | Recd, Aug. 1842, Dism. Oct. 1850 | 131&196 |
Bristow, Sarah | Mem. 1819 | |
Bristow, William | Mem. 1819 | |
Brook, Ealy M. | Letter, Nov. 1877 | 6 |
Brooks, Leo | Bapt. Sept. 1918 | 190 |
Brooks, Mattie | Letter, Sept. 1918, d. Mar. 19, 1934 (age 74) | 190 |
Brown, Elizabeth | Recd. Apr. 1844 | 147 |
Brown, John | Recd. Sept. 1843, Dism Mar. 1845 | 141&158 |
Buchanan, A.B. | Bapt. (age 42) Oct. 1895, Dism. Oct. 10, 1903 | 6 |
Buchanan, Jeanette | Bapt. Aug. 28, 1938, | 378 |
Buchanan, John W. | Letter, Oct. 1895 (age 61), Dism. Oct. 10, 1903 | 6 |
Buchanan & Wife | Rel. Oct. 1894 | |
Burgmyer, Eddie | Bapt. Aug. 19, 1928 | 378 |
Burress, Mollie | Bapt. Apr. 1893 | 6 |
Busboy, Carrie | “j” Sept. 1890 | |
Carr, Elizabeth | Mem. 1819 | |
Charleston, Thomas & wife | Recd., June 1841 | 125 |
Charlton, Alice | Bapt. Nov. 1861 | 283 |
Charlton, Elizabeth | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Charlton, Henry | Letter, May 19, 1872 | |
Charlton, Maria | Letter, Jan. 1871, Dism. Oct. 10, 1903 | 8 |
Charlton, Mattie E. | Bapt. Nov. 1878, Dism. Oct. 10, 1903 | 8 |
Charlton, Samuel | Recd. Sept. 21, 1842 | 133 |
Charleton, Thomas | Mem. Sept. 25, 1843 | 295 |
Christie, Cynthy Ann | Recd. Apr. 1844 | 147 |
Christie, Delia | Recd. Feb. 11, 1867 | 4? |
Christie, Eliza | Bapt. Oct. 1848 | 186 |
Christie, Elizabeth | Recd. Dec. 1861 | 284 |
Christie, Henry | Letter, Feb. 1884, Mem. Sept. 1843 | 295 |
Christie, James | Bapt. Nov. 1865, d. Sept. 20, 1903 | 8 |
Christie, John | Letter, Feb. 1862 | |
Christie, Levi | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 141 |
Christie, Lucinda | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Christie, Sarah | Recd., Nov. 1848 | 186 |
Christy, John & wife | Letter, Mar. 1825, Mem. Sept, 1843 | 295 |
Clegg, Catherine | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 141 |
Clegg, John | Bapt. Oct. 1848 | 186 |
Clemens, Charles | Bapt. Sept. 10, 1933, d. Jan. 16, 1940 | 378&379 |
Clements, Bruce | Letter, Oct. 3, 1911, Dism. Feb. 7, 1920 | 22&193 |
Clements, Elizabeth | Recd. May 1892 (age 32), d. June 21, 1930 | 8 &193 |
Clements, Gertrude | Recd. Oct. 3, 1911, Dism. Feb. 7, 1920 | 22& 193 |
Clements, John M. | Recd. May 1892, d. Nov. 12, 1922 | 8 & 193 |
Cole, Stephen | Bapt. July 1865 | |
Conner, Lonnie | Recd. Nov. 1884 | |
Conway, Celia | Bapt. Oct. 1898, Dism Dec. 1904 | 8 |
Conway, Chas. | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 384 |
Conway, Henry | Bapt. Nov. 1932 | 378 |
Conway, Lavita | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 384 |
Conway, Lyla | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 384 |
Conway, Lyman | Bapt. Jan. 1884, Dism. 1902 | 8 |
Conway, Melinda | Bapt. Feb. 1867, d. Nov. 15, 1901 | 8 |
Conway, Rachel | Bapt. Nov. 1881, Dism. 1902 | 8 |
Conway, Simon | Recd. Feb. 1884 | |
Conway, Verna | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 384 |
Cophen, Balons | Recd. June 1842, Dism Dec. 1842 | 130 & 135 |
Cophen, Joel | Letter Sept. 1842 | 132 |
Cophen, Rebecca | Recd. June 1842, Dism. Dec. 1842 | 130 & 135 |
Cophen, Sarah | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 141 |
Copeland, Laura | Recd. Nov. 14, 1943, Dism Apr. 7, 1946, Recd. June 8, 1947 | 374 |
Copeland, Ross | Letter, Nov. 14, 1943 “ “ | “ |
Courtney, Elmiry | Recd. Sept. 20, 1842 | 133 |
Crowder, John | Rel. Sept. 1843, Dism June 1844 | 141 & 149 |
Crusan, Minnie | Recd. Nov. 1884 | |
Cutter, Hazel | Bapt. Sept. 13, 1942, Dism. Oct. 20, 1946 | 374 |
Cutter, Helen | Letter, Feb. 1940, Dism. Aug. 1, 1957 | 378 |
Cutter, Junior | Bapt. Sept. 13, 1942 | 374 |
Cutter, William | Letter, Feb. 1940, Dism. Feb. 1949 | 378 |
Cutter, Mrs. William | Letter, Feb. 1940, Dism Feb. 1949 | 378 |
Dalgleish, Agnes | Recd. Feb. 18, 1867 | |
Dalgleish, George | Bapt. Nov. 4, 1881, (age 25), d. May1904 | 8 |
Dalgleish, Mary (Neal) | Bapt. Oct. 1898 | 8 & 28 |
Dalgleish, Myrtie | Bapt. Sept. 11, 1904, Dism. 1944) | 8 |
Dalgleish, Wallace | Bapt. Oct. 1898, d. May 21, 1905 | 8 |
Danner, Charles L. | Letter, July 9, 1899 | 8 |
Danner, Eva S. | Letter, July 9, 1899, d. 1899 | 8 |
Danner, Lloyd | Bapt. Aug. 1916 | 190 |
Demaree, Elizabeth | Mem. 1822 | |
Demaree, Emma | Recd. Nov. 1884 | |
Denning, Florence | Bapt. Oct. 1915, Dism, May 8, 1920 | 190 & 193 |
Denning, Hebert | Letter, Oct. 1915, Dism. May 8, 1920 | 190 & 193 |
Denning, Josephine | Letter, June 4, 1912, d. Aug. 7, 1926 | 190 & 193 |
Dodd, James and Nancy(wife) | Recd, Mar. 1825 | |
Eaton, Mattie E. | Recd. Nov. 1877 | |
Eads, Geor Ann | Restored Nov. 1884 | |
Eads, William and Wife | Recd.Nov. 1884 | |
Elliott, Mary | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Ellis, Harrott | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 140 |
Ellis, John Wm. | Bapt. Nov. 1861 | 283 |
Ellis, Joseph | Recd. Sept. 20, 1842 | 133 |
Ellis, Malinda | Recd. Feb. 20, 1867 | |
Ellis, Mary | Recd. June 1842 | 133 |
Ellis, Nancy | Recd. Sept. 22, 1842 | 133 |
Ellis, Nancy | Bapt. Nov. 1861 | 283 |
Ellis, Polly | Recd. Sept. 20, 1842 | 133 |
Ellis, Rebekah | Mem. Mar, 1818 | |
Ellis, Samantha | Recd. Feb. 11, 1867 | |
Ellis Stephen | Mem. Sept. 25, 1843 | 295 |
Elston, Clarence | Bapt. Feb. 26, 1928 | 384 |
Elston, Clarice | Bapt. Feb. 26, 1928 | 384 |
Elston, John | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Elston, Laura | Bapt. Aug. 1930, Dism. Aug. 9, 1942 | 378 |
Elston, Susan | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Esler, Maryanne | Recd. June 1843, Dism. Nov. 1848 | 138 & 186 |
Etherington, Dale | Bapt. Sept. 28, 1930 | 384 |
Etherton, Elizaeth | Recd., Sept. 1843 | 141 |
Fallis, Elizabeth | Recd. Sept., 1843 | 141 |
Fallis, Rebecca | Recd. Sept. 21, 1842 | 133 |
Farrell, Alfred | Bapt. Oct. 1915 | 194 |
Ferrel, Amanda (Herring) | Bapt. (age 20) Sept. 1890 | 8 |
Firth, Emmila | Recd. Oct. 21, 1842 | 134 |
Firth, John | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Firth, Mary Ann | Bapt. Nov. 1861 | 283 |
Firth, Vincent | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 140 |
Firth, Wm. | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 21 |
Forwood, Ed | Bapt. Sept. 1926, d. Oct. 17, 1942 | 384 |
Forwood, Harold | Bapt. Aug. 19, 1928 | 384 |
Francis, Anna Bell | Bapt. Oct. 11, 1878, d. July 1984 | |
Francis, Amia | Bapt. Oct. 1915 | 194 |
Francis, Della | Recd. Feb. 1884 | |
Francis, Eliza | Recd. Sept. 1876 | |
Francis, Joe Ann | Recd. Oct. 9, 1876 | |
Francis, John | Bapt. May, 1872, d. 1905 | 8 |
Francis, John S. | Recd. Feb. 1884, Dism. Dec. 1886 | |
Francis, Mary E. | Recd. Mar. 1872 | |
Francis, Rebecca | Bapt. Feb. 1858 | 255 |
Francis, Rebecca | Bapt. c. 1860 | 8 |
Francis, Scott | Bapt. Oct. 1915 | 194 |
Fry, Albert E. | Bapt. (age 24) Nov. 1896, Dism. May 4, 1918 | 8 & 193 |
Fry, Elizabeth (Christie) | Bapt. (age 14), Dec. 1861, Dism. Jan., 1873 | 8 & 193 |
Fry, Emma (Voris) | Rel. Nov. 1878, d. June 30, 1915 | 8 |
Fry, George M. | Bapt. Feb. 1867 (age 23), Dism Jan. 1873 | 8 & 193 |
Fry, Obediah | Bapt. Oct. 1915, d. 1931 | 194 & 385 |
Fry, Tom A. | Recd. Nov. 1877, Exp. June 1881 | |
Fugate, Harriet | Letter, May, 1856 | 241 |
Fugate, Harrison | Bapt. Nov. 1853 | 216 |
Fugett, Ann Eliza | Bapt. Oct. 1858 | 261 |
Furgason, Nina | J. Sept. 1890 | |
Gannard, Henry | Recd. Sept. 20, 1842 | 133 |
Gardner, Norma Jean | Recd. Nov. 27, 1949 | 376 |
Geisler, Albert | Bapt. Sept. 1926, d. Apr. 5, 1939 | 386 |
Geisler, Alice Herring | Bapt. Sept. 1904 | 386 |
Geisler, George | Bapt. Aug. 1936 | 380 |
Geisler, John | Bapt. Nov. 1932 | 380 |
Giesler, Grace Agnes | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941 | 376 |
Giesler, Horace R. | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941 | 376 |
Giesler, Marjorie | Bapt. Sept. 13, 1942 | 376 |
Giesler, Mary | Bapt. Aug. 28, 1938 | 376 |
Gilliland, Amanda | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Gilliland, Caroline | Bapt. Oct. 1858 | 261 |
Gilliland, Caroline | Bapt. Oct. 1858, d. Aug. 4, 1909 (age 72) | 10 |
Gilliland, Margaret | Bapt. Oct. 1858 | 261 |
Gilliland, Sally | Recd. Nov. 1853 | |
Gow?, Susan | Recd. Apr. 1844 | 147 |
Gray, Levan | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Graham, John & Daughter | Recd. Nov. 1859 | 269 |
Gordon, Mary | d. May 21, 1859 | 290 |
Graves, Benjamin, Dr. | Recd. Nov. 1861 | 283 |
Graves, Latitia | Recd. Nov. 1861 | 283 |
Gray, Mary | Bapt. (age 16) 1854, d. Apr. 1904 | 10 |
Gray, Will | Recd. May 5, 1907 (age 34), Dism. Feb. 7, 1920 | 10 & 195 |
Gray, Zella | Letter (age 28) May 5, 1907, Dism Feb. 7. 1920 | 10 & 195 |
Green, Polly | Mem. 1818 | |
Griffin, Carrie | Recd. Nov. 1884 | |
Griffin, David | Mem. 1822, Dism, Aug. 1834 | |
Griffin, Elizabeth | Mem. 1822 | |
Griffin, Nancy | Letter, May 1859 | 266 |
Griffin, Mrs. Nancy | Recd. Nov. 1879 | |
Griffin, William | J. Sept. 1890 | |
Griswold, George | Bapt. Aug. 1925, d. Jan. 29, 1928 | 386 |
Griswold, Miss Iza | Recd. Oct. 1894 | |
Griswold, Mary | Recd. July 1915, d. Dec. 1925 | 194 & 387 |
Hall, Permelia | Bapt. Nov. 1878 | |
Hall, William | Recd. Oct. 1887 | 10 |
Hammell, Frank, Rev. | Letter, Nov. 1932 | 380 |
Hammett, Ralph C., Rev. | Letter, May 19, 1946, Dism, Apr. 10, 1949 | 376 |
Hammett, Mrs. Ralph C. | Letter, May, 19, 1946, Dism. Apr. 10, 1949 | 376 |
Hankins, Mrs. Aaron | Letter Feb. 1886, Dism. Dec. 1902 | 10 |
Hankins, Carrie | J. Sept. 1890 | |
Hankins, Fred | Letter, Nov. 1918 | 196 |
Hankins, Leda (Bell) | Bapt. Nov. 1884, Dism. Dec. 1900 | 10 |
Hankins, Myrtle | Letter, Nov. 1918 | 196 |
Hankins, Sarah | Bapt. Oct. 1887, d. May 21, 1906 | 10 |
Hankins, Sarah Ann | Bapt. Jan. 1871, Exp. June 1881(dancing) Dism. Dec. 1902 | 10 |
Harmon, Betheny | Rel. Sept. 1840 | 122 |
Harmon, Clyde | Bapt. Oct. 1901 | 10 |
Harmon, Katherine | Rel. Nov. 1 ? (age 61) | 26 |
Harmon, Michael | Rel. Nov. 1 ? (age 64) | 26 |
Harmon, Nancy | Recd. Mar. 1832 | |
Harmon, Sally | Recd. Apr. 18, 1841 | 125 |
Harper, Alex | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Harper, Elizabeth | Letter, 1885 (age31), d. Oct. 1936 | 10 |
Harper, Geneva | Letter, Aug. 19, 1928 | 380 |
Harper, Geo. R. | Bapt. June, 1873 (age 25, Letter, Nov. 1881) | 10 |
Harper, Hannah | d. Dec. 1881 | |
Harper, Jim | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Hart, Charles | Bapt. July 22, 1951 | 374 |
Hart, David | Bapt. July 22, 1951 | 374 |
Hart, William Robert | Bapt. July 22, 1951 | 374 |
Hatch, Ethel | Bapt. Apr. 6, 1919 | 196 |
Hatch, James A. | Recd. Mar. 1872 | |
Hatch, James | Recd. Nov. 1879, D. July 19, 1899 | |
Hatton, Leon | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941 | 376 |
Haton, Liston | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 386 |
Hayes, Ella | Recd. Nov. 1877 | |
Hayes, Ida | Recd. Nov. 1877 | |
Hayes, Margaret A. | Bapt. Oct. 1866, Dism. Oct. 1900 | 10 |
Hayes, Martha | Recd. Mar. 1843 | 136 |
Hays, George | Mem. Sept. 1843 | 297 |
Hays, Ophal | Bapt. Aug. 19, 1928 | 380 |
Henry, Caroline | Recd. Apr. 18, 1841 | 125 |
Henry, Carrie W. | Bapt. (age 26) Jan. 1871, Dism. Nov. 11, 1905 | 10 |
Henry, Charlton | d. nd, c. 1890 | |
Henry, David | Mem. Sept. 25, 1843 | 295 |
Henry, Drusilla | Bapt. Oct. 24, 1854 | 215 |
Henry, Drusilla | Dism. Oct. 1892 | |
Henry, Elizah | Recd. Sept. 1840, Dism Feb. 1842 | 122 & 131 |
Henry, Emma | Letter, Sept. 1876 | |
Henry, George | Recd. Feb. 1884, d. 1892 | |
Henry, Ind. | Bapt. Nov. 1861 | 283 |
Henry, Mary Jane | Bapt. Oct. 1848 | 186 |
Henry, Nancy | Letter, may, 1880 | |
Henry, Jane | Recd. Sept. 1842 | 132 |
Henry, Samuel (Sen) | Letter, Jan. 1858, d. June 22, 1861(99 yrs) | 255 & 290 |
Henry, Susan | Recd. Oct. 1847, d. Oct. 31, 1861 | 179 & 290 |
Henry, Sudatte? | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 140 |
Henry, Wm. H. | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Henry, W. H. | Bapt. 1853 (age 13), Dism. Dec. 9, 1905 | 10 |
Herring, Charles | Bapt. Nov. 1896 | 10 |
Herring, Gertrude | Bapt. Nov. 1896 | 10 |
Herring, Hester A. | Letter, (age 16), Jan., 1884, d. Aug. 19, 1908 | 10 |
Herring, Harriet | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941 | 376 |
Herring, James | Bapt. Nov. 1896, d. 1946 | 10 |
Herring, John W. | Letter, Jan. 1884 (age 26) | 10 |
Herring, Malinda | Bapt. Jan. 3, 1912, D. May 2, 1930 | 196 & 197 |
Herring, Marlene | Bapt. July 22, 1951 | 374 |
Herring, Phronie (Stewart) | Bapt. (age 14) June, 1904 | 10 & 30 |
Herring, Ruby | Bapt. Sept. 10, 1933, Dism. Feb. 10, 1946 | 380 |
Herring, William | Bapt. Jan. 1884, Dism. Mar. 1901 | 10 |
Herron, Amanda | j. Sept. 1890 | |
Herron, Charley | Bapt. Nov. 1896 | |
Herron, Gertie | Bapt. Nov. 1896 | |
Herron, James | Bapt. Nov. 1896 | |
Heron, J. W. & wife | Letter, Feb. 1884 | |
Herron, Wm. | Recd. Feb. 1884 | |
Hicby, Susan | Bapt. Feb. 1858 | 252 |
Higbie, America | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 141 |
Higbie, James | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 141 |
Hill, Cecil | Bapt. Aug. 19, 1928, Dism. Mar. 16, 1931 | 380 |
Hiltenbrand, Christina | Mem. 1818 | |
Hiltenbrand, Michael | Mem. 1818 | |
Holcraft, Lucille | J. Sept. 1890 | |
Holdcraft, Ann | Letter, Aug. 1836 | 104 |
Holder, Bertha | Recd. Nov. 1884, Dism. Feb. 1888 | |
Holley, Sarah | Rel. Sept. 1843 | 141 |
Hopper, Barbara Lee | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941, Dism. Nov. 1948 | 376 |
Hopper, Betty Lou | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941 | 376 |
Hopper, Glenn | Bapt. Sept. 12, 1920 | 196 |
Hopper, James | Bapt. Aug. 1916, d. 1921 | 196 |
Hopper, John | Bapt. Sept. 12, 1920 | 196 |
Hopper, Mary L. | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941, Dism. May 26, 1951 | 376 |
Hopper, Nelda | Bapt. Sept. 7, 1947 (age 11) | 376 |
Hopper, Robert William | Bapt. Sept. 26, 1943 | 376 |
Horton, Andrea | Bapt. Aug. 1936 | 380 |
Horton, Benny | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941 | 376 |
Horton, Cora | Recd. Feb. 1884 | |
Horton, Elizabeth | Recd. Sept. 1849 | 190 |
Horton, Elizabeth | Letter, May 1865, Recd. Feb.1884, d. July 24, 1919 | 10 & 195 |
Horton, Ethel | Letter, Sept. 1926 | 386 |
Horton, Frank | Bapt. Oct. 1887 | 10 |
Horton, Ida Gertrude | Bapt. Aug. 15, 1937 | 376 |
Horton, James | Mem. 1819 | |
Horton, James | J. Nov. 1853 | |
Horton, Jean | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941 | 376 |
Horton, Joan | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941 | 376 |
Horton, Joseph M. | Bapt. Mar. 1856 (age 15) | 10 |
Horton, Joseph | Bapt. Sept. 13, 1942 | 376 |
Horton, Josephine | Bapt. Sept. 1866 | |
Horton, Louie | Bapt. Nov. 1896 | 10 |
Horton, Martha Jane | Bapt. Oct. 1858 | 261 |
Horton, Nancy | Dism. Nd, c. 1900 | 10 |
Horton, Nellie | Bapt. Aug. 15, 1937, Dism. Apr. 1950 | 376 |
Horton, Ollie | Bapt. Aug. 15, 1937 | 376 |
Horton, Robert | Bapt. Sept. 13, 1942 | 376 |
Horton, Rachel | Mem. 1819 | |
Horton, Robert | Bapt. Nov. 1861 | 283 |
Horton, William | Recd. Feb. 1884 | |
Hoslin, Ide | J. Sept. 1890 | |
Hotchkiss, Ann | Bapt. 1861 (age 26), d. Apr. 25, 1901 | 10 |
Humphreys, Mary Reed | Bapt. Nov. 1879 | 10 |
Hutchington, Lula | Letter, Oct. 1932 | 380 |
Imel, Jacob | Rel. Oct. 1898, d. Nov. 16, 1901 | 12 |
Imel, Nancy | Mentioned C. 1900, d. Dec. 23, 1921 | 12 & 197 |
Imel, Sallie | Bapt. Oct. 1915, d. Dec. 25, 1924 | 196 & 387 |
Imel, Stephen | Bapt. Oct. 1915, d. Dec. 30, 1934 | 196-7&387 |
Ireland, Orvil | Bapt. Nov. 1896 | 12 |
Jackman, Rachel | Bapt. Jan. 1858 | 252 |
Jackman, Robert | Letter, Apr. 1862 | |
Jackman, Elizabeth | Recd., Sept. 1843, Dism. Aug. 1847 | 140 & 171 |
Jackson, Hannah | Bapt. June, 1905, Dism. Apr. 29, 1944 | 388 & 389 |
Jackson, John | Recd. Sept. 1842 | 132 |
Jackson, Newton | Letter, July 1894, Bapt. Aug. 1894 | |
Jackson, Rebiea Jane | Recd. Apr. 1844 | 147 |
Jackson, Samuel | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 140 |
Jackson, Thomas | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 141 |
Jamison, Robert | Bapt. Nov. 1887 (age 18), exp Aug. 1881, Restored Nov. 1884, d. Sept. 22, 1942 | 12 |
Jamison, Sam | Bapt. Nov. 1853 | 216 |
Jamison, Sarah | Bapt. Nov. 1884 (age 28) | 12 |
Jarvis, Daisy Spencer) | J. 1901 | 20 & 28 |
Jarvis, Grace | J. 1901 | 20 |
Jarvis, Grace (Smith) | Bapt. Oct. 1901 (age 15) d. Apr. 9, 1909 | 12 |
Jeffries, David | Letter, nd, Dism Jan. 1902 | 12 |
Jeffries, Ida | Bapt. Sept. 1890, Dism. Jan. 1902 | 12 |
Jeppers, Mrs. | J. Sept. 1890 | |
Jones, Arthur | Letter, Sept. 12, 1920, Dism. July 6, 1932 | 196 & 389 |
Jones, Donald | Bapt. Aug. 25, 1941 | 388 |
Jones, Eva (Ralston) | Bapt. Sept. 12, 1920, Dism. Sept. 18, 1930 | 196 |
Jones, Harold | Bapt. Aug. 1925 | 386 |
Jones, Irwin | Letter, Sept. 1, 1918 | 196 |
Jones, Lelia (Archer1st)(Long2nd) | Letter, c. 1920, Dism. Apr. 29, 1944 | 388 & 389 |
Jones, Lilly | Letter, Sept. 1, 1918 | 196 |
Jones, Mary Jo | Bapt. Sept. 13, 1942 | 388 |
Jones, Patty Lou (Glore) | Bapt. Aug. 16, 1937 | 380 |
Jones, Raymond | Bapt. Sept. 1, 1918 | 196 |
Kennett, Wm. | Bapt. Nov. 1878 | |
Kern, Hannah | Letter, Jan. 1844, Dism. Apr. 1845 | 143 & 158 |
Kirkwood, Mary | J. Nov. 1860 | 275 |
Konkle, Aldean | Bapt. Nov. 1926 | 388 |
Konkle, Anna D. | Bapt. Oct. 1939 | 374 |
Konkle, Arthur | Bapt. Sept. 1920 | 196 |
Konkle, Cordia | Letter, June 1900 | 10 |
Konkle, Della | Letter, Dec. 17, 1913, d. Dec. 18, 1930 | 196 & 197 |
Konkle, Elizabeth | Letter, Dec. 17, 1913 | 196 |
Konkle, Emogene | Bapt. Aug. 1916 | 196 |
Konkle, Estol | Bapt. Aug. 1925 | 388 |
Konkle, Ethel | Letter, Dec. 17, 1913, d. Feb 14, 1920 | 196 & 197 |
Konkle, Frank | Letter, 1895 (age 28) | 12 |
Konkle, Geneva (Bliss) | Bapt. Aug. 1925 | 388 |
Konkle, Hanley | Letter, Dec. 17, 1913 | 196 |
Konkle, Jean | Bapt. Aug. 15, 1937, Dism. Oct. 1948 | 380 |
Konkle, John R. | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941 | 374 |
Konkle, Katherine | Letter, June 1900, d. Jan. 18, 1921 | 10 & 196-197 |
Konkle, Laura Jean (Ralston) | Bapt. Aug. 1925 | 388 |
Konkle, Margaret | Bapt. Aug. 15, 1937, Dism. Oct. 6, 1947 | 380 |
Konkle, Mary (Rayles) | Bapt. Sept. 1918 | 196 |
Konkle, Mary E. | Bapt. Aug. 15, 1937, Dism. Feb. 23, 1942 | 380 |
Konkle, Mary Agnes | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941, Dism. Jan 26, 1952 | 374 & 375 |
Konkle, Micheal | Letter, June 1900 | 10 & 196 |
Konkle, Nellie | Bapt. Nov. 1932 | 380 |
Konkle, Raymond | Letter, 1913 | 196 |
Konkle, Mrs. Ross | Bapt. Sept. 11, 1944 | 374 |
Konkle, Virginia | Bapt. Aug. 19, 1928 | 388 |
Konkle, William | Letter, Dec. 17, 1913, d. Mar. 21, 1959 | 196 & 197 |
Konkle, William E. | Bapt. Oct. 1939 | 374 |
Koons, Harold | Letter, Aug. 1937, Dism. May 18, 1943 | 380 |
Koons, Waunita | Letter, Aug. 1937, Dism. May 18, 1943 | 380 |
Lamb, Hannah | Bapt. Nov. 1878, Dism Mar. 1887 | |
Lamb, Nancy | Rel. 1873, d. 1903 | 12 |
Lanham, Warren | Bapt. Aug. 15, 1941 | 382 |
Lathrop, Arastus | Recd. Sept. 1843, Dism. May, 1844 | 141 & 148 |
Lathrop, Augustis & wife | Dism. Apr. 1843 | 137 |
Lathrop, Rebecca | Recd. Aug. 1841 | 127 |
Lathrop, Susanna | Recd. May 1841 | 125 |
Lee, Nathan | Recd., July 1841, d. Sept. 1860 | 126 & 290 |
Lemons, Maggie | J. Sept. 1890 | |
Lemons, Samuel | J. Sept. 1890 | |
Lewis, Abraham | Bapt. Oct. 1848 | 186 |
Lewis, Abraham | Letter, May 1859 | 266 |
Lewis, Benjamin | Recd. Aug. 1842, Dism Nov. 1847 | 131 & 180 |
Lewis, Carrie H. | Bapt. 1892 (age 14) d. May 14, 1904 | 12 |
Lewis, Cary? | Recd. Aug. 1842 | 131 |
Lewis, Elizabeth | Letter, May 22, 1836, Dism. Nov. 1851, Ret’d Mar. 1852 | 103 & 202 & 204 |
Lewis, Elizabeth | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Lewis, Fredric C. | Bapt. Sept. 1890 (age 14) | 12 |
Lewis, Fred | J. Sept. 1890 | |
Lewis, Indiana (India?) Rodgers | Bapt. Nov. 1878 (age 17) | 10 |
Lewis, Isaac | Recd. Nov. 1853 | |
Lewis, Isaac | Bapt. 1859 (age 20), d. May 14, 1908 | 12 |
Lewis, Isaac Wm. | Bapt. Nov. 1896 (age 18) | 12 |
Lewis, Ivan | Recd. Sept.22, 1842 | 133 |
Lewis, James | Recd. Oct. 1837 | 108 |
Lewis, James | J. Nov. 1860 | 275 |
Lewis, Jennie C. | Bapt. Sept. 16, 1890 | 12 |
Lewis, Joe D. | J. Sept. 1890 | |
Lewis, Joseph | Recd. Oct. 1837 | 108 |
Lewis, Jonathan | Letter, Jan. 1825 | |
Lewis, Laura | J. Sept. 1890 | |
Lewis, Lacy ? | Recd. Sept. 1841 | 127 |
Lewis, Martha | Letter, Jan. 1825 | |
Lewis, Mary M. | Bapt. Nov. 1853 | 216 |
Lewis, Mary (Harmon) | Bapt. June 1904 (age 18) | 12 |
Lewis, Matilda | Recd. June 1836 | |
Lewis, Minnie | Bapt. Nov. 1, 1908 | 26 |
Lewis, Nancy | Recd. Oct. 1837 | 109 |
Lewis, Polly | Recd. June, 1836 | |
Lewis, Robert D. | Bapt. Nov. 1896 (age 14) | 12 |
Lewis, Roxie | Bapt. Sept. 1, 1918, d. Sept. 10, 1922 | 198 & 199 |
Lewis, Sally | Recd. Oct. 1837 | 108 |
Lewis, Sallie | J. Sept. 1890 | |
Lewis, Sarah | Letter, Jan. 1825, Dism. July 1850 | 195 |
Lewis, Sarah Jane | Rel. Sept. 1898 (or 1893) | 12 & 198 |
Lewis, Wm. | Bapt. Nov. 1896 | |
Lewis, Wm. Sen | Bapt. Nov. 1884 (age 31) d. Mar. 18, 1909 | 10 |
Lindsay, Janie | Letter, Jan. 1950 | 382 |
Lockard, Carlos | Recd – J. May 1879 | |
Lovell, Lula | Rel. Nov. 1893 | |
Magregen?, Agneys | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 141 |
Mafrufen?, Thomas | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 141 |
Manford, Amanda | Bapt. Oct. 1858 (age 21), d. Jan. 1901 | 12 |
Manford, Catharin O. | Bapt. June 1867 | |
Manford, Cindy | Recd. Nov. 1884 | |
Manford, James | J. Nov. 1860 | 275 |
Manford, James | d. 1901 | 12 |
Manford, Kola | Bapt. Nov. 1878 | |
Manford, Kezzie? | Bapt. Nov. 1878, exp. July 1894 | |
Manford, Morton | J. Nov. 1853 | |
Manford, Robt. & wife | Recd. Nov. 1884 | |
Manford, Winnie (or Minnie) | Recd. Feb 1884 | |
Marquis, Lydia Ann | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Marquis, Sarah Jane | Mem. C. 1820 | |
Martin, Nancy | Bapt. Nov. 1861 | 283 |
Mason, Betty | Letter, Dec. 5, 1951 | 382 |
Mason, David, Rev. | Letter, Dec. 5, 1951 | 382 |
Matheson, Alea | Letter, Nov. 1877 | |
Matheson, Elta (Briggs) | Recd. Nov. 1884 | |
Matheiors?, Ida & Roe | Recd. Feb. 1884 | |
Mathews, Accia E., Dr. | Bapt. Nov. 4, 1881 (age 19), d. 1933 | 12 |
Mathews, Elizabeth (w. of Nathan) | d. Feb. 24, 1879 | |
Mathews, Elijah | Mem. Sept. 25, 1843 | 295 |
Mathews, Ellen | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 141 |
Mathews, Emma | Recd. Nov. 1884, Dism. Dec. 1886 | |
Mathews, Harriet J. | Bapt. Apr. 1893 (age 26) | 12 |
Mathews, John | Recd, Oct. 1847 | 179 |
Mathews, Lucy, | Recd. Ot. 9, 1876 | |
Mathews, Martha A. | Bapt. Jan 24, 1858 (age 18), d. Jan. 22, 1921 | 12 & 199 |
Mathews, Mary J. | Letter, Nov. 1884 | |
Mathews, Nancy M. (Hatton) | Bapt. Apr. 1893 (age 17) | 10 |
Mathews, Rachel | Bapt. Nov. 1881 | |
Mathews, Richard | Mem. Sept. 1843 | 295 |
Mathews, William | Letter, Sept. 1843 | 296 |
Mathis, Caroline | Letter, Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Mathis, Eliza | Bapt. nd. C.1900, d. Mar. 19, 1934 | 12 & 199 |
Mathis, Elizabeth | Recd. Sept. 1842 | 132 |
Mathis, Elizabeth | Bapt. Jan. 1858 | 252 |
Mathis, Elizabeth | Bapt. c. 1870-1900 (age 80), d. Apr. 1902 | 12 |
Mathis, Hannah | Letter, Mar. 1853 | 211 |
Mathis, Harvey | Letter, Feb. 1852 | 203 |
Mathis, Martha Reed | Bapt. Nov. 1878 (age 24), c. Oct. 2, 1947 | 388 & 389 |
Mathis, Mary | Mentioned, Apr. 1818 | |
Mathis, Mary | Letter, July 1856 | 243 |
Mathis, Mary Elon | Recd. June 1842 | 130 |
Mathis, Nancy | Recd. Sept. 22, 1842 | 133 |
Mathis, Richard | Recd. Sept. 1842 | 132 |
Mathis, Susan | J. Nov. 1860 | 275 |
Mathis, Susanna | Recd. Sept. 1840 | 122 |
Mathis, Robert | Bapt. Jan. 1858 | 252 |
Mathis, William | Recd. Dec. 1842 | 135 |
McClanahan, Carolina | Bapt. May, 1851, Exp. Apr. 1853 | 197 &212 |
McFarland, Forest | Bapt. Oct. 1915, Dism. July 30, 1934 | 198 & 389 |
McFarland, Louiseanna | Bapt. Oct. 1915, d. Apr. 18, 1927 | 198 & 389 |
McGregor, Thos. | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
McIntosh, Joseph | Letter, July 1834 | |
McKay, Jane | Bapt. June 1859 | 266 |
McKenzie, Della | Bapt. Sept. 28, 1930 | 388 |
McKenzie, Herschal | Bapt. Sept. 28, 1930 | 388 |
McKenzie, James | Bapt. Sept. 28, 1930, d. July 14, 1944 | 388 |
McKenzie, Wilma (Davis) | Bapt. Aug. 15, 1937 | 382 |
McReal, Henry | Bapt. Jan. 1858 | 252 |
Melton, Henry | Rel., Nov. 1877 | |
Melton, John | Recd. Nov. 1877 | |
Miles, Alfred | Letter, Dec. 1836, Dism. Mar. 1845 | 105 & 295 |
Miles, Ernest | Bapt. Oct. 1890 | 12 |
Miles, Earnest | J. Sept. 1890 | |
Miles, John | Recd. Nov. 1847 | 180 |
Miles, Miss Lorena | J. Sept. 1890 | |
Miles, Sarah | Recd. June 1836 | |
Miles, Sarah | Bapt. Sept. 1920 | 198 |
Miles, William | Recd. June 1836, Dism. Aug. 1842 | 104 |
Miller, Carolyn | Bapt. Sept. 7, 1947 (age 12) | 382 |
Miller, Gladys | Letter, Dec. 28, 1949 | 382 |
Miller, Marilyn | Bapt. Aug. 1948 | 382 |
Moody, Neva Austin | Bapt. Sept. 10, 1933 | 382 |
Moody, Wm. | J. Nov. 1860 | 275 |
Morris, Thomas & wife | Letter, Apr. 1842 | 130 |
Morton, Elizabeth (Westrick) | Bapt. Oct. 1915 | 388 |
Morton, Freda | Bapt. July 1950 | 382 |
Morton, Carolyn | Letter, Sept. 15, 1946 | 382 |
Morton, Hannah | Bapt. June 1905 | 12 |
Morton, Ralph | Bapt. Sept. 15, 1946 | 382 |
Müdy(?), Luiza(?) | Recd. Marr. 1843 | 136 |
Myers, Leo (Brooks) | Bapt. Sept. 1918, d. 1959 | 388 |
Nay, Mrs. Delbert | Bapt. Nov. 1932 | 390 |
Nay, Lora Jean | Bapt. Aug. 15, 1937, d. Jan. 26, 1944 | 382 |
Nay, Mary | Bapt. Aug. 1949 | 382 |
Nay, Merle | Bapt. Nov. 1932 | 390 |
Nay, Opal | Bapt. Nov. 1932, Dism. 1951 | 340 & 391 |
Neal, Carrie W. | Bapt. Oct. 1890 | 14 & 28 |
Neal, Wm. | Bapt. c. 1890 – 1900 | 14 |
Niles, Howard | Bapt. Aug. 19, 1927 | 390 |
Niles, Wm. N. | Letter, Jan. 1854, Dism. Sept. 1858 | 261 |
O’Connell, Frances (Hart) | Bapt. Aug. 19, 1928 | 390 |
O’Connell, Leroy | Bapt. Aug. 1925 | 390 |
O’Connel, Lucy (Brandon) | Bapt. Sept. 1, 1918 | 198 |
O’Connell, Van | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 390 |
O’Connell, Wilma (Bliss) | Bapt. Aug. 19, 1928 | 390 |
Olmsted, J. L. & wife | Letter, Nov. 1859 | |
Olmstead, Mary | Letter, Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Owen, Jane | Recd. June 1843 | 138 |
Owens, Emma | Bapt. Oct. 1848 | 186 |
Owens, Frances K. | Bapt. Aug. 1866 | |
Owens, Owen & wife | Rest. Oct. 1858 | 261 |
Owens, Thomas | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Owens, William | Recd. Sept. 1843, Dism. May, 1852 | 141 & 205 |
Partain, Edna | Letter, Sept. 1926, d. Oct. 20, 1950 | 390 & 395 |
Partain, Jim | Letter, Sept. 1926, d. Aug. 3, 1930 | 390 & 395 |
Partain, Sally | Letter, Sept. 1926 | 390 |
Partain, Thomas | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 390 |
Paterson, Jackson | Recd. Sept. 1842, Dism. Dec. 1846 | 132 & 173 |
Paulley, Ellen | Letter, Sept. 10, 1905 | 14 |
Paulley, James | Bapt. May, 187214 | |
Pary, Ann | Letter, Oct. 7, 1842133 | |
Peak, James | Recd. Sept. 21, 1842133 | |
Peak, John & wife | Letter, Mar. 1843, Dism Feb. 1850 | 136 & 193 |
Peak, John | Recd. Feb. 18, 1867 | |
Peak, Lorina | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 141 |
Peak, Mary | Dism. Aug. 1847 | 171 |
Peters, Alice (Herring) | Bapt. Sept. 11, 1904 | 14 |
Peters, Andrew E. | Bapt.(age 25), Apr. 1891, d. Jan. 5, 1944 | 14 & 391 |
Peters, Carrie | Bapt. Oct. 1898 | |
Peters, Charrus (Pomeregn) | Bapt. (age 16), Oct. 1898 | 14 |
Petters, Ida Dell | Bapt. (age 18) Oct. 1898 | 14 |
Peters, John T | Bapt. Feb. 1867, d. Sept. 2, 1921 | 14 & 201 |
Peters, Laura Lewis | Bapt. Oct. 1890 | 14 |
Peters, Malinda | Recd. July 1841 | 126 |
Peters, Mary | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Peters, Rachel | Bapt. July 1878 (age 25), Dism. Mar. 1902 | 14 |
Peters, Sanford | Recd., July 1842, Dism. Oct. 1842 | 131 & 133 |
Peters, Sarah A. (Spencer) | Bapt. (age 18) Feb. 14, 1867, d. Nov. 1927 | 14 & 391 |
Peters, Shelton | Recd. Sept. 1842 | 132 |
Pettit, Harry | Bapt. Aug. 1925, Dism. Dec. 5, 1928 | 390 & 395 |
Pettit, Hazel | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 390 |
Pettit, Ruth | Bapt. Aug. 1925, Dism. Dec. 5, 1928 | 390 & 395 |
Poling, Rosie | Bapt. Sept. 26, 1943, d. Jan. 7, 1944 | 374 & 375 |
Polly, James | Letter, May 19, 1872 | |
Porter, Anna | Letter, June 16, 1913, Dism. Dec. 1919 | 198 & 199 |
Porter, Grace (Copeland) | Bapt. June 16, 1913 | 198 |
Porter, Philip | Letter, Apr. 1913 | 392 |
Poston, Elijah & wife | Recd. Oct. 1850 | 196 |
Poston, Mary | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 140 |
Poston, Nancy | Recd. Aug. 1836, Dism. Oct. 1842, Rest. Sept. 1843, Dism. Aug. 1857 | 104, 133, 141 & 200 |
Poston, Pricilla | Recd. Dec. 1841, Dism. Sept. 1848 | 129 & 185 |
Poston, Susana | Recd. Sept. 1842, Dism Dec. 1845 | 132 & 166 |
Putman, James | Rel. Aug. 1842 | 131 |
Putman, Susannah | Rel. Aug. 1842 | 131 |
Ralston, Glen | Bapt. Oct. 1932 | 382 |
Ralston, Nancy | Bapt. July 1950 | 382 |
Ralston, Pearl | Bapt. Oct. 1932 | 382 |
Ralston, Peggy | Bapt. July 1950 | 382 |
Ralston, Theo | Letter, Sept. 1933 | 382 |
Ralston, Thomas | Letter, Sept. 1933 | 382 |
Rayles, Evelyn | Letter, Aug. 22, 1949 | 382 |
Rayles, Truman | Letter, Aug. 22, 1949 | 382 |
Real, Mary M. | J. Nov. 1860 | 275 |
Reed, Alfred & wife | Recd. Nov. 1877, Exp for dancing, Sept.1880, Rest. Feb. 1884 | |
Reed, Better | Bapt. Aug. 15, 1937, Dism. May 21, 1944 | 382 & 383 |
Reed, Cardia | Bapt. (age 14) Sept. 11, 1904 | 14 |
Reed, Grace (Paulley) | Bapt. 1906 | 14 & 28 |
Reed, Henry | Recd. Sept. 1842, Dism. Apr. 1843 | 132 & 137 |
Reed, Icy(?) (Spencer) | Bapt. Oct. 1915 | 200 |
Reed, Ira | Bapt. Oct. 1915 | 200 |
Reed, James | Letter, 1918 | 200 |
Reed, James | Letter, Apr. 6, 1946 | 382 |
Reed, John | Bapt. Nov. 1861 | 283 |
Reed, Marjorie (Olds) | Bapt. Aug. 15, 1937 | 382 |
Reed, Martha | Bapt. Nov. 1878 | |
Reed, Mary | Recd. Nov. 1879 | |
Reed, Mehala(?) | Recd. Sept 30, 1842 | 133 |
Reed, Pearl | Letter, Apr. 7, 1918 | 200 |
Reed, Pearl | Letter, Apr. 6, 1946 | 382 |
Reed, Raymond | Bapt. Oct. 1939 | 382 |
Reed, Samuel | Recd. Sept. 30, 1842, Dism. Apr. 1843 | 133 & 137 |
Reed, Sarah J. | Bapt. (age 23) Feb. 18, 1867 | 14 |
Reed, Sharon | Bapt. July 22, 1951 | 390 |
Richards, Carmine | Letter, Aug. 18, 1927 | 390 |
Richards, Dwight | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941 | 390 |
Richards, Vera Dean | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941 | 390 |
Risk, Ann | Rel. Oct. 1858 | 261 |
Risk, Sarah | Recd. Oct. 9, 1876 | |
Rittenor, Mary | Recd. Nov. 1879 | |
Roberts, Hannah | Letter, Dec. 1851, Dism. Mar. 1853 | 202 & 211 |
Roberts, Jane | Recd. Mar. 1836 | |
Roberts, John | Bapt. May 22, 1836, Dism. July 1842 | 103 & 131 |
Roberts, Susan | Recd. Sept. 20, 1842 | 133 |
Robertson, Wm & wife Polly | Letter, May 22, 1825 | |
Rodgers, Emma | Bapt. Nov. 1881 | |
Rodgers, James & wife | Bapt. Sept. 1866 | |
Rodgers, John W. | Recd. Mar. 1872, Dism. Nov. 1881 | |
Rodgers, Mary E. Lee | Bapt. May, 1872 | 14 |
Rodgers, Susan | Recd. Mar, 1872 | |
Rogers, John | Bapt. Jan. 24, 1858 | 255 |
Rogers, Martha | Bapt. Jan. 24, 1858 | 255 |
Rogers, Rachel V. | Bapt. (age 19), Sept. 20, 1842, d. Feb. 5, 1908 | 14 |
Rogers, Robert | Bapt. Jan. 1858 | 252 |
Rogers, Sarah | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Rogers, William & wife Mary Anne | Recd. Oct. 1844 | 155 |
Rutledge, Rev. Arthur | Letter, Dec. 10, 1939, Dism. Oct. 6, 1940 | 382 & 383 |
Rutledge, Vesta | Letter, Dec. 10, 1939, Dism. Oct. 6, 1940 | 382 & 383 |
Ryan, Emma R. | Bapt. (age 17), Nov. 1881, Dism. Nov. 1901 | 14 |
Ryan, Mary | Bapt. Nov. 1879, Exp. Dec. 12, 1903 | 14 |
Ryan, Susan | Rel. Mar. 1872 | |
Sandeford, Nancy | Bapt. Oct. 24, 1854 | 215 |
Scarlett, Bud | Bapt. Aug. 1948 | 382 |
Scarlett, Helen | Bapt. Aug. 1948 | 382 |
Schmunk, Mary Agnes | Bapt. Oct. 1939, Dism. Oct. 15, 1952 | 376 |
Scott, Alois | Letter, Nov. 1932 | 380 |
Scott, Mrs. Alois | Letter, Nov. 1932 | 380 |
Scott, Martha | Bapt. May, 1872, Dism. Feb. 1900 | 14 |
Scott, Martha | Recd. Mar. 1872 | |
Scott, Lloyd Delmar | Bapt. Sept. 26, 1943 | 376 |
Scott, John Russell | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 396 |
Scott, Ora | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 396 |
Scott, Samuel | Bapt. Dism Feb. 1900 | 14 |
Selig, Edna | Bapt. Aug. 19, 1928, Dism. Apr. 28, 1951 | 380 |
Selig, Lem | Bapt. Aug. 19, 1928 | 380 |
Selig, Minnie | Bapt. Aug. 19, 1928 | 380 |
Shadday, Eliza | Bapt. Nov. 1881 | |
Shadday, Ruth | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941, Dism. Oct. 4, 1943 | 376 |
Shaffar, Levi | Letter, Mar. 1907, d. May 26, 1946 | 18 & 397 |
Shaffer, Nora | Letter, Mar. 1907 | 18 |
Shelton, Catherine | Recd. Sept. 1842, Dism. June 1855 | 132 & 230 |
Sheldon, Jeremiah | Rel. Oct. 1844 | 155 |
Short, CynthyAnn | Recd. Oct. 1844 | 155 |
Silvers, Myrtle (Selig) | Bapt. Sept. 1926, d. Feb. 18, 1927 | 396 & 397 |
Smith, Agnes (Schmunk) | Bapt. Sept. 1, 1918 | 202 |
Smith, Anna | Recd. Feb. 1884 | |
Smith, Charles | Recd. Sept. 23, 1842, Dism. Apr. 1847 | 133 & 295 |
Smith, Charles | Letter from Milton Church, Dec. 30, 1849 | 191 |
Smith, Charley | d. May 19, 1881 | |
Smith, Clair | Bapt. Aug. 1925 | 396 |
Smith, Georgia | Bapt. Nov. 1878, Exp. For dancing, June 1881 | |
Smith, Hazel | Bapt. Oct. 1939 | 376 |
Smith, Herman | Bapt. Aug. 22, 1949 | 382 |
Smith, Mrs. Herman | Bapt. Aug. 22, 1949 | 382 |
Smith, Kathaline (Quitman?) | Bapt. June 28, 1925 | 396 |
Smith, Laura | Letter, Dec. 30, 1849 | 191 |
Smith, Lou | Recd. Nov. 1884 | |
Smith, Marjorie | Bapt. Sept. 12, 1920, Dism. Apr. 11, 1943 | 380 |
Smith, Mary Ann | letter, Dec. 30, 1849 | 191 |
Smith, Maude (Stewart) | Bapt. Oct. 1915 | 202 |
Smith, Sally | Recd. Sept. 23, 1842 | 133 |
Smith, Sarah | d. Aug. 30, 1860 | 290 |
Smith, Sarah Elizabeth | Rel. Oct. 1908 | 30 |
Smith, Temma | Recd. Feb. 1884 | |
Smith, Tunis | Bapt. (age 15), Sept. 11, 1904 | 16 |
Smith, Wm. | Bapt. Jan. 1866 | |
Smith, Wm. | Rest. Nov. 1879 | |
Smith, William | Bapt. Oct. 1908 | 30 |
Smoots, Olive (Horton) | Bapt. Oct. 19, 1893 | 14 & 28 |
Spears, Catherine | Letter, Nov. 1853 | 216 |
Spencer, Agnes M. (Dalgleish) | Bapt. (age 16) Feb. 18, 1867 | 14 & 28 |
Spencer, Alta (Brindley) | Bapt. Aug. 1925, Dism. Apr. 12, 1931 | 396 & 397 |
Spencer, Bessie (McFarland) | Bapt. Nov. 4, 1910, Dism. Sept. 9, 1945 | 28 & 397 |
Spencer, Charles K. | Rest. Mar. 1867 | |
Spencer, Daisy Jarvis | Bapt. Oct. 1901 | 16 |
Spencer, Eliza | d. Dec. 28, 1886 | |
Spencer, Ella | Bapt. Nov. 1881 | |
Spencer, Eugene | Bapt. Sept. 1, 1918 | 202 |
Spencer, Gertrude | Bapt. Sept. 1, 1918 | 202 |
Spencer, Hallie,Harriet(Herring) | Bapt. (age 18) June 1904 | 16 & 30 |
Spencer, John S. | Bapt. (age 14) Oct. 1898 | 14 |
Spencer, Leona | Bapt. Sept. 10, 1933 | 380 |
Spencer, Mary F. | Recd. Feb. 18, 1867 | |
Spencer, Maude | Bapt. (age 20) June 1904 | 16 |
Spencer, Nellie (Reed) | Bapt. Oct. 1898 | 14 & 28 |
Spencer, Pearl | Bapt. Aug. 19, 1928 | 380 |
Spencer, Norma Lee | Bapt. Aug. 15, 1937 | 376 |
Spencer, Roy | Bapt. Sept. 28, 1930, Dism. May 2, 1943 | 380 |
Spencer, Sadia | Bapt. Aug. 1936, Dism. Nov. 1948 | 380 |
Spencer, Sarah | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Spencer, Sarah | Recd. Feb. 11, 1867 | |
Spencer, Sarah | d. Feb. 18, 1911 | 14 |
Spencer, Simpson | Bapt. 1853 | 14 |
Spencer, Uly | Bapt. Nov. 4, 1910, d. Oct. 4, 1938 | 28 & 397 |
Spencer, Wm. | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Stapp, John | Recd. Jan. 1843, Dism. Apr. 1844 | 135 & 147 |
Stapp, Joseph | Mem. Sept. 1843, Dism. Feb. 1847 | 295 |
Stapp, Mary | Recd. June 1843 | 138 |
Stapp, Silas | Recd. Oct. 7, 1842, Dism. Sept. 1848 | 133 & 185 |
Steel, Helen Farrell | Bapt. Oct. 1915 | 202 |
Steel, Samuel | Bapt. May 12, 1906, d. Jan. 8, 1940 | 16 & 397 |
Steele, Allene | Bapt. Aug. 1925, Dism. Aug. 4, 1937 | 396 & 397 |
Steele, Blanche | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 396 |
Steele, Chance | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 396 |
Steele, Elsie (Shaddy) | Bapt. May 12, 1906 | 16 |
Steele, Harry | Bapt. Aug. 1925, Dism. Aug. 4, 1937 | 396 & 397 |
Stemits, Wm. | Bapt. Feb. 1858 | 252 |
Stephenson, Frank & wife | Bapt. Mar. 1933 | 380 |
Stevenson, Banbonny | Recd. Mar. 1843 | 136 |
Stevenson, Dorothy Laverne | Bapt. Sept. 7, 1947 (age 12) | 376 |
Stevenson, George | Bapt. June 1872 | 16 |
Stevenson, Grace | Bapt. Sept. 10, 1933 | 380 |
Stevnson, James William | Bapt. Sept. 11, 1944 | 376 |
Stevenson, Lucinda | Recd. Mar. 1872 | |
Stevenson, Marritta Chase | Bapt. Feb. 1949 | 382 |
Stevenson, Mildred | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 396 |
Stevenson, Robert | Letter, Sept. 1843 | 295 |
Stevenson, Sarah | Recd. Oct. 1847 | 179 |
Steward, Ann Mrs. | Recd. Nov. 1877 | |
Steward, Eliza Mrs. | Rel. Nov. 1877 | |
Stewart, Accia (Beebe) | Bapt. (age 15), Nov. 1896 | 16 |
Stewart, Amanda | J. Nov. 1860 | 275 |
Stewart, Benjamin | Bapt. Nov. 1859 | 269 |
Stewart, Charles | Bapt. Oct. 1939 | 376 |
Stewart, David | Recd. Oct. 1843 | 141 |
Stewart, David Henry | Bapt. Oct. 1915, d. Feb. 3, 1939 | 396 & 397 |
Stewart, Della | Letter, Dec. 1934 | 380 |
Stewart, Eleanor | Bapt. Dec. 1934 | 380 |
Stewart, Ethel | Bapt. Apr. 1919 | 386 |
Stewart, Frank | Bapt. (age 56) Aug. 1925, d. July 22, 1950 | 380 |
Stewart, George | J. Nov. 1881 | |
Stewart, Grace H. (Denning) | Letter (age 32) Apr. 14, 1906, d. June 16, 1928 | 16 |
Stewart, Henry | Bapt. Oct. 1915 | 200 |
Stewart, Isiaah | Mem. Sept. 25, 1843 | 295 |
Stewart, James | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 141 |
Stewart, James F. | Bapt. (age 20 yrs) May 1872, d. Sept. 4, 1938 | 16 & 397 |
Stewart, Jenjamin | Bapt. May 1866 | |
Stewart, John Calvin | Bapt. (age 23) Feb. 1873, d. Dec. 12, 1930 | 16 & 397 |
Stewart, Josephine (Jones) | Bapt. Oct. 1915 | 202 |
Stewart, Levi | Recd. Nov. 1853 | |
Stewart, Lora | Letter, Aug. 1925 | 380 |
Stewart, Louise | Bapt. Sept. 1, 1918 | 202 |
Stewart, Mary E. Francis | Bapt. (age 15) May, 1872 | 16 |
Stewart, Mary J. (Johnson) | Bapt. (age 20) Oct. 1876, Dism. July 17, 1915 | 16 |
Stewart, Mattie E. | Letter Jan. 1873 | 16 |
Stewart, Norma | Bapt. Aug. 15, 1937 | 376 |
Stewart, Olive (Ollie) | Bapt. (age 19) Nov. 1881 | 16 & 30 |
Stewart, Samuel H. | Bapt. Oct. 1858 | 261 |
Stewart, Virgil | J. Nov. 1860 | 273 |
Stewart, Virgil A. | Bapt. c. 1870 | 16 |
Stewart, Wm. L. | Bapt. (age 21) Feb. 1867, d. Sept. 13, 1907 | 16 |
Storie, Anna (Parish) | Bapt. Sept. 12, 1920 | 202 |
Storie, Ida | Letter, Sept. 26, 1920 | 202 |
Stout, Carlisle | Mem. Sept. 1843 | 295 |
Stout, Carl | Bapt. Oct. 1915 | 202 |
Stout, Elizabeth | Recd. Feb. 1838 | 110 |
Stuchman, Mary | Recd. Nov. 1884 | |
Syginow, Icy G. | Bapt. Oct. 1884, Dism Oct. 10, 1903 | 16 |
Taylor, Anna Land | Bapt. Dism. Feb. 1900 | 16 |
Taylor, Mary F. (Spencer) | Bapt. (age 17) Feb. 18, 1867, d. Jan, 1933 | 16, 30 &399 |
Taylor, Wm. | Bapt. Nov. 1896 | 16 |
Taylor, Wm. | Letter, Oct. 1898 | |
Tennant, Fannie | Bapt. Feb. 1873 | 16 |
Thayer, Junior | Bapt. Sept. 13, 1942 | 380 |
Thompson, Clara | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 398 |
Thompson, Ema | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 398 |
Thornton, Alma | Bapt. Aug. 15, 1937 | 380 |
Thornton, Basil | Bapt. Aug. 25, 1929 | 398 |
Thornton, Emma | Bapt. Nov. 1884 | 16 |
Thornton, Hattie | Bapt. July 1894, Dism. July 1903 | 16 |
Thornton, Levi & wife | Recd. Nov. 1884 | |
Thornton, Martha (Geisler) | Bapt. Sept. 1926 | 386 |
Thornton, Mary | Rel. (age 54) Nov. 1879, d. 1900 | 16 |
Thornton, Mary | Recd. Nov. 1884 | |
Thornton, Ralph | Bapt. Nov. 1932, d. June 21, 1939 | 380 |
Thornton, Vesta Jane | Bapt. July 22, 1951 | 380 |
Thornton, Vina | Bapt. Nov. 1877, Dism. Nov. 3, 1907 | 16 |
Thornton, Mrs. ? | Rel. Nov. 1879 | |
Tucker, Caroll | Bapt. Aug. 19, 1928 | 398 |
Twineham, Lucy | Recd. Sept. 1843 | 11 |
Valentine, Katie (Manford) | Ment. C. 1875 – 1900 | 30 |
Vanburin, Charley & wife | Recd. Nov. 1884, Dism. Nov. 1888 | |
Vanburin, Eva | Recd. Nov. 1884 | |
Vandiver, Cyntha | Bapt. (age 45) May 12, 1878, d. Sept. 1900 | 18 |
Vandiver, Henry | Bapt. Nov. 1878 | |
Vandiver, Lana | Bapt. (age 49), May 12, 1879, d. Sept. 1903 | 18 |
Vanosdol, Ann | Recd. June, 1843 | 138 |
Vanosdol, Ann | Rest. Nov. 1853 | 216 |
Vanosdol, Bertha F. Gray | Bapt. Nov. 1909, Dism. July 21, 1930 | 205 & 392 |
Vanosdol, Columbus | Bapt. Oct. 1898 | 18 |
Vanosdol, Elizabeth | Bapt. Jan. 1858 | 252 |
Vanosdol, Eliza | Dism. July 1891 | |
Vanosdol, Florence | Letter, Sept. 1926, Dism. July 24, 1938 | 398 & 399 |
Vanosdol, George | Bapt. Nov. 9, 1910 | 392 |
Vanosdol, George | Recd. June 25, 1843 | 138 |
Vanosdol, George | Rest. Nov. 1853 | |
Vanosdol, George | Letter, Sept. 1926, Dism. July 24, 1938 | 398 & 399 |
Vanosdol, Grace | Bapt. (age 14) June, 1904 | 18 |
Vanosdol, Henry | Recd. Feb. 1884, Dism. Aug. 1892 | |
Vanosdol, James | Recd. Nov. 1877, Bapt. Nov. 1881 | |
Vanosdol, Jefferson | Recd. Nov. 1877, Dism. Dec. 1893 | |
Vanosdol, John | Recd. Mar. 1843, Dis. Jan.1844, Rest. Oct. 1844 | 136,143& 155 |
Vanosdol, John | Bapt. Oct. 1898, D. Aug. 19, 1906 | 16, 18 & 32 |
Vanosdol, John Jr. | Bapt. Nov. 10, 1910 | 392 |
Vanosdol, Lillie Lewis | Bapt. (age 16) Sept. 1890 | 16 |
Vanosdol, Lottie | Bapt. (age 12) Sept. 11, 1904 | 18 |
Vanosdol, Lottie Barnes | Bapt. June 1904 | 190 |
Vanosdol, Morton Sr. | Bapt. Sept. 1890 | 16 |
Vanosdol, Morton, Jr. | Bapt. Sept. 1896, Dism. June 1923 | 18 & 205 |
Vanosdol, Ora A (Risk) | Bapt. Nov. 1896, | 16 & 28 |
Vanosdol, Pearl B. | Bapt. Oct. 1915 | 204 |
Vanosdol, Rachel | Recd. Sept 20, 1842 | 133 |
Vanosdol, Sallie | Bapt. Nov. 1896 | |
Vanosdol, Sarah C. (Ellis) | Bapt. Nov. 1896 | |
Vanosdol, Sarah. E. | Bapt. 1882 | 16 |
Vanosdol, Theodore | Bapt. Feb. 1900 | 18 |
Vanosdol, Thos. J. | Bapt. 1878 | 16 |
Vernon, Amanda | Ment. Nd, c. 1850 – 1900 | 18 |
Vernon, Emeline | Letter (age 23), Aug. 1843, d. Apr. 1904 | 18 |
Vernon, John | Recd. (Age 27), d. Feb. 1904 | 18 |
Vernon, Newton | Bapt. Nov. 1859 | 269 |
Vernon, Newt | Rest. Dec. 2, 1911 | 392 |
Vestal, Lucinda | Recd. Nov. 1884 | |
Vestle, Ollie | Recd. July 1880 | |
Vickery, Betty Francis | Bapt. Aug. 31, 1941, Desm. Oct. 12, 1941 | 398 & 399 |
Voris, Annie | Recd. July 1879, Dism. Apr. 1889 | |
Voiles, Adaline | Recd. Apr. 1861 | 278 |
Voyles, Ann | Bapt. May 22, 1825 | |
Voyles, Becky Jane | Recd. Sept. 1840 | 122 |
Voyles, Elizabeth | Recd. Sept. 1841 | 127 |
Voyles, John | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Voyles, Joseph | Letter, Sept. 1843 | 295 |
Voyles, Martha | Recd. June 1836 | 104 |
Voyles, Mary E. | Bapt. Oct 1853 | 214 |
Voyles, Thos. | J. Nov. 1853 | |
Voyles, Wm. | Recd. Aug. 1834, Dism. Aug. 1841 | 127 |
Ward, Aldean | Bapt. Oct. 1915, Dism., Apr 8, 1918 | 204 & 205 |
Ward, Dora | Letter Oct. 1915, Dism. Apr. 8, 1918 | 204 & 205 |
Ward, William | Letter Oct. 1915, Dism. Apr. 8, 1918 | 204 |
Warfield, John | Recd. Jan. 1839, Dism. Mar. 1849 | 114 & 188 |
Washer, Alice (Hankins) | Bapt. Oct. 1887 | 18 & 30 |
Weales, Dale | Letter, Apr. 11, 1943 | 398 |
Weales, Lucille (Smith) | Bapt. Sept. 1926, Dism. Dec. 12, 1937 | 398 & 399 |
Weales, Robert | Bapt. July 22, 1951 | 398 |
Westrick, George & Wife | Letter, July 1915 | 392 |
Westrick, Mary | Bapt. Oct. 1915, Dism. Sept. 2, 1925 | 204 & 399 |
Westrick, Mollie | Letter, Oct. 1915 | 204 |
White, Ed. | Recd. Feb. 1884, Exp. Sept. 1892 | |
Whitham, Emma | Letter, Oct. 20, 1922, d. Feb. 7, 1946 | 204 & 399 |
Whittam, Mary | Bapt., Nov. 1884 | 18 |
Whitton, Ada (Clements) | Bapt. (age 15) Sept. 11, 1904 | 18 |
Whitton, Ann | Bapt. Nov. 1861 | 283 |
Whitton, Charles E. | Bapt. Nov. 1884 | 187 |
Whitton, Christopher | Recd., Oct. 1847 | 179 |
Whitton, Cytha | Ment. C. 1900, Dism. Oct. 1900 | 18 |
Whitton, Hannah (Rogers) | Bapt. (age 19), Nov. 1878, d. 1940 | 18, 30&399 |
Whitton, Hannen | Recd. Oct. 21, 1842 | 134 |
Whitton, Harry | Bapt. Oct. 1915, Dism. Jan. 5, 1930 | 204 & 205 |
Whitton, James | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Whitton, Lela | Bapt. Oct. 1908, Dism. Apr. 12, 1942 | 30 & 399 |
Whitton, Mary | J. Nov. 1860 | 275 |
Whitton, Mary Ann | Recd. Sept. 1840, Dism. Dec. 1841, Returned 1847 | 122 & 177 |
Whitton, Robert S. | Recd. Mar. 1872 | |
Whitton, Wm. | J. Nov. 1853 | |
Whitton, Mary | Recd. Mar. 1872 | |
Whitton, Mary (Thornton) | Bapt. May, 1872, Dism. Oct. 10, 1903 | 18 & 30 |
Whitton, Sarah (Gilliland) | Bapt. Oct. 1863, d. Mar. 16, 1923 | 18 & 30 |
Whitton, William | Bapt. (age 20) Nov. 1853 | 18 |
Wiley, Lavada | Bapt. Oct. 1939, Dism. June 8, 1941 | 398 & 399 |
Wilson, Virginia | Bapt. Nov. 1932, d. Sept. 14, 1949 | 398 & 399 |
Wingate, Robert | Recd. May, 1840, Dism. Sept. 1841 | 120 |
Wingate, Sophriah | Recd. May, 1840 | 120 |
Wood, Clyde | Bapt. Sept. 15, 1946 | 398 |
Wycoff, Amelia J. | Letter, May 19, 1872 | |
Wicoff, Lurinda | Recd. Mar. 1872 | |
Wicoff, Peter | Letter, Mar. 1872 | |
Wicuff, Jennet | Recd. Sept. 30, 1842 | 133 |
Wycoff, Bennett | Recd. Nov. 1877 | |
Wycoff, John | Bapt. Oct. 1853 | 214 |
Wycoff, Mary J | Bapt. Oct. 1853, Dism. July 1855 | 214 & 230 |
Wycoff, William | Mem. Sept. 25, 1843 | 295 |